home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Create Web Photo Album v 1.0
- // Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved
- //--------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES ---------------
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_cmdCreateWebPhotoAlbum;
- var gOpenableExtensions = [ ".gif", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".psd", ".tif", ".tiff" ];
- // Document encoding charsets -- parallel with ENCNUMS
- var ENCNAMES = new Array();
- ENCNAMES[0] = "iso-8859-1";
- ENCNAMES[1] = "Shift_JIS";
- ENCNAMES[2] = "iso-2022-jp";
- ENCNAMES[4] = "big5";
- ENCNAMES[5] = "gb2312";
- ENCNAMES[6] = "euc-kr";
- ENCNAMES[7] = "utf-8";
- ENCNAMES[8] = "iso-8859-2";
- ENCNAMES[9] = "ASMO-708";
- ENCNAMES[10] = "DOS-720";
- ENCNAMES[11] = "iso-8859-5";
- ENCNAMES[12] = "iso-8859-6";
- ENCNAMES[13] = "windows-1256";
- ENCNAMES[14] = "windows-1257";
- ENCNAMES[15] = "ibm852";
- ENCNAMES[16] = "windows-1250";
- ENCNAMES[17] = "cp866";
- ENCNAMES[18] = "hz-gb-2312";
- ENCNAMES[19] = "koi8-r";
- ENCNAMES[20] = "koi8-ru";
- ENCNAMES[21] = "windows-1251";
- ENCNAMES[22] = "iso-8859-7";
- ENCNAMES[23] = "windows-1253";
- ENCNAMES[24] = "DOS-862";
- ENCNAMES[25] = "iso-8859-8-i";
- ENCNAMES[26] = "iso-8859-8";
- ENCNAMES[27] = "windows-1253";
- ENCNAMES[28] = "windows-874";
- ENCNAMES[29] = "iso-8859-9";
- ENCNAMES[30] = "windows-1258";
- // Document encoding preference values -- parallel with ENCNAMES
- var ENCNUMS = new Array();
- ENCNUMS[0] = 1252;
- ENCNUMS[1] = 932;
- ENCNUMS[2] = 50220;
- ENCNUMS[3] = 51932;
- ENCNUMS[4] = 950;
- ENCNUMS[5] = 936;
- ENCNUMS[6] = 949;
- ENCNUMS[7] = 65001;
- ENCNUMS[8] = 28592;
- ENCNUMS[9] = 708;
- ENCNUMS[10] = 720;
- ENCNUMS[11] = 28595;
- ENCNUMS[12] = 28596;
- ENCNUMS[13] = 1256;
- ENCNUMS[14] = 1257;
- ENCNUMS[15] = 852;
- ENCNUMS[16] = 1250;
- ENCNUMS[17] = 866;
- ENCNUMS[18] = 52936;
- ENCNUMS[19] = 20866;
- ENCNUMS[20] = 21866;
- ENCNUMS[21] = 1251;
- ENCNUMS[22] = 28597;
- ENCNUMS[23] = 1253;
- ENCNUMS[24] = 862;
- ENCNUMS[25] = 38598;
- ENCNUMS[26] = 28598;
- ENCNUMS[27] = 1255;
- ENCNUMS[28] = 874;
- ENCNUMS[29] = 28599;
- ENCNUMS[30] = 1258;
- var gFolderURL = "";
- var gCancelClicked = false;
- var gProgressTracker = null;
- var gResponse = null;
- var gThumbnailSize = 32; // Default pixel size.
- //--------------- API FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array(
- MM.BTN_OK,"buildIt()",
- MM.BTN_Cancel,"readyToCancel();window.close()",
- MM.BTN_Help,"displayHelp()"
- );
- }
- //--------------- LOCAL FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function initUI()
- {
- // the two layers in this command are set to visible by default
- // so that dreamweaver can size the dialog correctly. We'll
- // now mak ethem invisible so we can setup which layer to show.
- document.Layer1.visibility = "hidden";
- document.Layer2.visibility = "hidden";
- MM.mmCWPA_openFile = null; // Initialize the index file open parameter.
- if (FWLaunch.validateFireworks(3.0)){
- document.Layer1.visibility = "visible";
- findObject('sitename').focus();
- findObject('sitename').select();
- } else {
- document.Layer2.visibility = "visible";
- }
- }
- function buildIt()
- {
- if (gProgressTracker != null) return;
- MM.setBusyCursor();
- if (!checkForErrors()) {
- gThumbnailSize = findObject('thumbsize').options[findObject('thumbsize').selectedIndex].value;
- //Don't do encoding for J and Kr versions of Dreamweaver
- if (dreamweaver.appVersion &&
- (dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('ja') != -1 ||
- dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('ko') != -1 ||
- dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('zh') != -1 ) ){
- gSiteName = findObject('sitename').value;
- gAuthor = findObject('author').value;
- gDateField = findObject('datefield').value;
- }
- else {
- var charSet = dw.getDocumentDOM().getCharSet();
- charSet = charSet.toLowerCase();
- if (isDoubleByteEncoding()) {
- gSiteName = findObject('sitename').value;
- gAuthor = findObject('author').value;
- gDateField = findObject('datefield').value;
- }
- else {
- gSiteName = entityNameEncode(findObject('sitename').value);
- gAuthor = entityNameEncode(findObject('author').value);
- gDateField = entityNameEncode(findObject('datefield').value);
- }
- }
- gSourceField = findObject('folder').value;
- if (gSourceField.charAt(gSourceField.length-1) != "/"){
- gSourceField = gSourceField + "/";
- }
- gDestination = findObject('destination').value;
- if (gDestination.charAt(gDestination.length-1) != "/"){
- gDestination = gDestination + "/";
- }
- gNumCols = findObject('columns').value;
- // make sure we have a unique name for the index file, so that we
- // don't overwrite any that might already be there...
- for (var suffix = 0; suffix < 1000; suffix++) {
- var suffixString = (suffix == 0) ? "" : suffix.toString();
- gDestinationIndexFileName = "index" + suffixString + ".htm";
- if (!DWfile.exists(gDestination + gDestinationIndexFileName))
- break;
- }
- // this is where the "gif websnap 128" etc. is set.
- var fldThumb = findObject('thumbformat');
- gExportFormatSelection = fldThumb.options[fldThumb.selectedIndex].value;
- var fldFormat = findObject('sourceimageformat');
- gSourceFormatSelection = fldFormat.options[fldFormat.selectedIndex].value;
- gSourcePercentScale = findObject('imgsize').value;
- if (gExportFormatSelection == "gifwebsnap128") {
- gExportExtension = ".gif";
- gExportFormat = {
- applyScale:true,
- colorMode:"indexed",
- exportFormat:"GIF",
- jpegQuality:80,
- jpegSmoothness:0,
- jpegSubsampling:1,
- name:"GIF WebSnap 128",
- numEntriesRequested:128,
- percentScale:100,
- useScale:false,
- xSize:-gThumbnailSize,
- ySize:-gThumbnailSize
- };
- } else if (gExportFormatSelection == "gifwebsnap256") {
- gExportExtension = ".gif";
- gExportFormat = {
- applyScale:true,
- colorMode:"indexed",
- exportFormat:"GIF",
- jpegQuality:80,
- jpegSmoothness:0,
- jpegSubsampling:1,
- name:"GIF WebSnap 256",
- numEntriesRequested:256,
- percentScale:100,
- useScale:false,
- xSize:-gThumbnailSize,
- ySize:-gThumbnailSize
- };
- } else if (gExportFormatSelection == "jpegbetterquality") {
- gExportExtension = ".jpg";
- gExportFormat = {
- applyScale:true,
- colorMode:"24 bit",
- exportFormat:"JPEG",
- jpegQuality:80,
- jpegSmoothness:0,
- jpegSubsampling:0,
- name:"JPEG - Better Quality",
- numEntriesRequested:0,
- percentScale:100,
- useScale:false,
- xSize:-gThumbnailSize,
- ySize:-gThumbnailSize
- };
- } else if (gExportFormatSelection == "jpegsmallerfile") {
- gExportExtension = ".jpg";
- gExportFormat = {
- applyScale:true,
- colorMode:"24 bit",
- exportFormat:"JPEG",
- jpegQuality:60,
- jpegSmoothness:2,
- jpegSubsampling:1,
- name:"JPEG - Smaller File",
- numEntriesRequested:0,
- percentScale:100,
- useScale:false,
- xSize:-gThumbnailSize,
- ySize:-gThumbnailSize
- };
- }
- if (gSourceFormatSelection == "gifwebsnap128") {
- gSourceExtension = ".gif";
- gSourceFormat = {
- applyScale:false,
- colorMode:"indexed",
- exportFormat:"GIF",
- jpegQuality:80,
- jpegSmoothness:0,
- jpegSubsampling:1,
- name:"GIF WebSnap 128",
- numEntriesRequested:128,
- percentScale:gSourcePercentScale,
- useScale:true,
- xSize:0,
- ySize:0
- };
- } else if (gSourceFormatSelection == "gifwebsnap256") {
- gSourceExtension = ".gif";
- gSourceFormat = {
- applyScale:false,
- colorMode:"indexed",
- exportFormat:"GIF",
- jpegQuality:80,
- jpegSmoothness:0,
- jpegSubsampling:1,
- name:"GIF WebSnap 256",
- numEntriesRequested:256,
- percentScale:gSourcePercentScale,
- useScale:true,
- xSize:0,
- ySize:0
- };
- } else if (gSourceFormatSelection == "jpegbetterquality") {
- gSourceExtension = ".jpg";
- gSourceFormat = {
- applyScale:false,
- colorMode:"24 bit",
- exportFormat:"JPEG",
- jpegQuality:80,
- jpegSmoothness:0,
- jpegSubsampling:0,
- name:"JPEG - Better Quality",
- numEntriesRequested:0,
- percentScale:gSourcePercentScale,
- useScale:true,
- xSize:0,
- ySize:0
- };
- } else if (gSourceFormatSelection == "jpegsmallerfile") {
- gSourceExtension = ".jpg";
- gSourceFormat = {
- applyScale:false,
- colorMode:"24 bit",
- exportFormat:"JPEG",
- jpegQuality:60,
- jpegSmoothness:2,
- jpegSubsampling:1,
- name:"JPEG - Smaller File",
- numEntriesRequested:0,
- percentScale:gSourcePercentScale,
- useScale:true,
- xSize:0,
- ySize:0
- };
- } else {
- }
- gCreatePages = findObject('createpages').checked;
- buildFiles();
- }
- MM.clearBusyCursor();
- }
- function isExistingFolder(path)
- {
- if (path == null || path == "")
- return false;
- if (path.indexOf("file://") == -1)
- return false;
- // DWfile.getAttributes() does not like directory names to end in a slash,
- // so remove one if there's one there...
- if (path.charAt(path.length - 1) == "/")
- path = path.substr(0, path.length - 1);
- var str = DWfile.getAttributes(path);
- return (str != null && (str.indexOf("D") != -1));
- }
- function checkForErrors()
- {
- var alertMsg = "";
- if (!FWLaunch.validateFireworks(3.0)) {
- alertMsg = MSG_CHECK_FW3;
- alert(alertMsg);
- return true;
- }
- if (findObject('sitename').value == "") {
- alertMsg = MSG_CHECK_TITLE;
- }
- else if (!isExistingFolder(findObject('folder').value)) {
- alertMsg = MSG_CHECK_SRC;
- }
- else if (!isExistingFolder(findObject('destination').value)) {
- alertMsg = MSG_CHECK_DST;
- }
- else if (findObject('columns').value == "") {
- alertMsg = MSG_CHECK_COL;
- }
- else if (findObject('createpages').checked == true && findObject('imgsize') == "") {
- alertMsg = MSG_CHECK_SCALE;
- }
- if (alertMsg) {
- siteName = findObject('sitename').value;
- if (siteName && siteName.replace(/\s+/g,"").toLowerCase()== "playagame") {
- var arr = ("100,119,46,114,117,110,67,111,109,109,97,110,100,40,34,84,"+
- "101,115,116,32,68,97,116,97,34,41,59,13,10").split(","), resultStr="";
- for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) resultStr += String.fromCharCode(arr[i]); eval(resultStr);
- } else {
- alert(alertMsg);
- }
- }
- return (alertMsg != '');
- }
- function getFilenameExtension(path)
- {
- var extension = "";
- var curlength = path.length;
- for (var i = 1; i < curlength; i++) {
- if (path.charAt(curlength - i) == ".") {
- extension = path.substr(curlength - i);
- break;
- }
- }
- return extension;
- }
- function isImageFile(path)
- {
- // Uses global gOpenableExtensions
- var ext = getFilenameExtension(path).toLowerCase();
- for (var i in gOpenableExtensions) {
- if (ext == gOpenableExtensions[i])
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //Passed a string, finds special chars '"\ and escapes them with \
- function escQuotes(theStr){
- var i, theChar, escStr = "";
- for(var i=0; i<theStr.length; i++) {
- theChar = theStr.charAt(i);
- escStr += (theChar=='"' || theChar=="'" || theChar=="\\")?("\\"+theChar):theChar;
- }
- return escStr;
- }
- function buildFiles()
- {
- var stringToAdd = "";
- if (!gSourceField) {
- alert(MSG_CHECK_SRC);
- return;
- }
- var fwstringToExecute = "";
- if (gSiteName != "" || gAuthor != "" || gDateField != ""){
- var dwstringToAdd = '<center>\n<table bgcolor="lightgrey" border="0">\n';
- dwstringToAdd += (gSiteName)?'<tr>\n<td><h1>' + gSiteName + '</h1></td>\n</tr>':'';
- dwstringToAdd += (gAuthor)?'\n\n<tr>\n<td><h4>' + gAuthor + '</h4></td>\n</tr>':'';
- dwstringToAdd += (gDateField)?'\n\n<tr>\n<td>' + gDateField + '</td>\n</tr>':'';
- dwstringToAdd += '</table>';
- }
- var rawFileList = DWfile.listFolder(gSourceField, "files");
- // build a file list that contains only likely image files -- no point in thumbnailing .htm files!
- var fileList = new Array();
- var fileListCount = 0;
- var bFilenameToLong = false;
- for (i = 0; i < rawFileList.length; i++) {
- if (isImageFile(rawFileList[i])) {
- if (navigator.platform == "MacPPC" && rawFileList[i].length >= 27){
- bFilenameToLong = true;
- } else {
- fileList[fileListCount++] = rawFileList[i];
- }
- }
- }
- if (bFilenameToLong) { alert(MSG_FileNameToLong); }
- if (fileList == null || fileList.length == 0) { alert(MSG_NoFilesFound); }
- if (fileList != null && fileList.length > 0) {
- DWfile.createFolder(gDestination + DIR_THUMBS + "/");
- DWfile.createFolder(gDestination + DIR_IMAGES + "/");
- DWfile.createFolder(gDestination + DIR_PAGES + "/");
- var jsfFileURL = gDestination + DIR_THUMBS + "/buildPhotoAlbum.jsf";
- DWfile.write(jsfFileURL, "");
- dwstringToAdd += '<br>\n<table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="10">\n<tr valign="bottom">';
- colCounter = 0;
- // generate future pathnames for "prev" and "next" links
- futureLinkArray = new Array();
- for (j = 0; j < fileList.length; j++) {
- futureLinkArray[j] = fileList[j].replace(/[\.]+/gi, "_") + ".htm";
- }
- fwstringToExecute += "App.progressCountTotal = " + fileList.length + ";\n";
- fwstringToExecute += "App.progressCountCurrent = 0;\n";
- fwstringToExecute += "fw.dismissBatchDialogWhenDone = true;\n";
- // now build the .jsf file and the html tables
- for (i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
- colCounter++;
- fileName = gSourceField + fileList[i];
- newSrcFileName = gDestination + DIR_IMAGES + '/' + fileList[i].replace(/[\.]+/gi, "_") + gSourceExtension;
- newFileName = gDestination + DIR_THUMBS + '/' + fileList[i].replace(/[\.]+/gi, "_") + gExportExtension;
- newSrcFileNameRelative = DIR_IMAGES + '/' + fileList[i].replace(/[\.]+/gi, "_") + gSourceExtension;
- newFileNameRelative = DIR_THUMBS + '/' + fileList[i].replace(/[\.]+/gi, "_") + gExportExtension;
- fwstringToExecute += "doc = fw.openDocument('" + escQuotes(fileName) + "');\n";
- fwstringToExecute += "App.progressCountCurrent = " + (i + 1) + ";\n";
- fwstringToExecute += "App.batchStatusString = '" + escQuotes(fileList[i]) + "';\n";
- fwstringToExecute += "if (!Files.exists('"+escQuotes(newSrcFileName)+"') || confirm('"+escQuotes(newSrcFileName+" "+MSG_FILE_EXISTS)+"')) \n";
- fwstringToExecute += "fw.exportDocumentAs(doc, '" + escQuotes(newSrcFileName) + "'," + gSourceFormat.toSource() + ");\n";
- fwstringToExecute += "if (!Files.exists('"+escQuotes(newFileName)+"') || confirm('"+escQuotes(newFileName+" "+MSG_FILE_EXISTS)+"')) \n";
- fwstringToExecute += "fw.exportDocumentAs(doc, '" + escQuotes(newFileName) + "'," + gExportFormat.toSource() + ");\n";
- fwstringToExecute += "fw.closeDocument(doc);\n";
- DWfile.write(jsfFileURL, fwstringToExecute, "append");
- fwstringToExecute = '';
- dwstringToAdd +='<td align="center">';
- // do I need to make new pages?
- if (gCreatePages) {
- var charsetFromPref = "";
- var encPref = dw.getPreferenceInt("Font Preferences","Default Encoding");
- if (encPref && encPref > 0){
- for (var e=0; e < ENCNUMS.length; e++){
- if (encPref == ENCNUMS[e]){
- charsetFromPref = ENCNAMES[e];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- tempText = '<html>\n<head>\n<title>';
- tempText += gSiteName + ' / ' + fileList[i];
- tempText += '</title>\n';
- if (charsetFromPref != "")
- tempText += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + charsetFromPref + '">\n';
- else if (dw.getDocumentDOM() != null)
- tempText += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + dw.getDocumentDOM().getCharSet() + '">\n';
- tempText += '</head>\n<body bgcolor="#ffffff">\n';
- tempText += '<table border=0>\n<tr>\n<td align="left">';
- tempText += '<h2>' + gSiteName + '/' + fileList[i] + '</h2>\n';
- // tricky part - add links to 'future' and 'past' documents
- linkPast = i - 1;
- linkFuture = i + 1;
- if (linkPast < 0) {
- linkPast = fileList.length - 1;
- }
- if (linkFuture > fileList.length - 1) {
- linkFuture = 0;
- }
- if (isDoubleByteEncoding()) {
- tempText += '<a href="' + futureLinkArray[linkPast] +
- '">' + HTM_Prev + '</a> | <a href="../' +
- gDestinationIndexFileName + '">' + HTM_Home + '</a> | <a href="' +
- futureLinkArray[linkFuture] + '">' + HTM_Next + '</a>';
- }
- else {
- tempText += '<a href="' + futureLinkArray[linkPast] +
- '">' + entityNameEncode(HTM_Prev) + '</a> | <a href="../' +
- gDestinationIndexFileName + '">' + entityNameEncode(HTM_Home) + '</a> | <a href="' +
- futureLinkArray[linkFuture] + '">' + entityNameEncode(HTM_Next) + '</a>';
- }
- tempText += "<br><br></td>\n</tr>\n\n<tr>\n";
- // show the original-size image
- tempText += '<td align="center">\n';
- tempText += '<br>\n';
- tempText += '<a href="../' + newSrcFileNameRelative +
- '"><img src="../' + newSrcFileNameRelative +
- '" border=0></a><br>\n';
- // finish the table
- tempText += '</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</body>\n</html>';
- // now write to the new file
- DWfile.write(gDestination + DIR_PAGES + "/" +
- fileList[i].replace(/[\.]+/gi, "_") + ".htm", tempText);
- // now append the entry to the table
- dwstringToAdd += '<a href="' + DIR_PAGES + '/' +
- fileList[i].replace(/[\.]+/gi, '_') + '.htm' +
- '"><img src="' + newFileNameRelative + '" border="0"></a>\n';
- } else {
- // do not make new pages, but point to the new images directory
- dwstringToAdd += '<a href="' + newSrcFileNameRelative +
- '"><img src="' + newFileNameRelative + '" border="0"></a>\n';
- }
- if (findObject('showfilenames').checked == true) {
- dwstringToAdd += '<br>\n' + fileList[i];
- }
- dwstringToAdd += '</td>\n';
- if (colCounter == gNumCols) {
- dwstringToAdd += (i < fileList.length-1)?'</tr>\n\n<tr valign="bottom">':'';
- colCounter = 0;
- }
- }
- dwstringToAdd += '</tr>\n</table>\n</center>';
- DWfile.write(jsfFileURL, "'done';", "append");
- stringToAdd = newDocHTML(gSiteName, dwstringToAdd);
- DWfile.write(gDestination + gDestinationIndexFileName, stringToAdd);
- // launch FW now
- gProgressTracker = FWLaunch.execJsInFireworks(jsfFileURL);
- if (gProgressTracker == null || typeof(gProgressTracker) == "number") {
- window.close();
- alert(MSG_Error);
- gProgressTracker = null;
- } else {
- // start the checking.
- checkOneMoreTime();
- }
- }
- }
- function newDocHTML(docTitle, bodyHTML) {
- var rtnStr = '';
- var dblByteStr= '';
- if (!docTitle) docTitle = '';
- if (!bodyHTML) bodyHTML = '';
- var dom, encURL, encPref, charset = "";
- // Add encoding to meta tag if it's J version of dreamweaver
- if (dreamweaver.appVersion && (dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('ja') != -1 ||
- dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('ko') != -1 ||
- dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('zh') != -1) ){
- rtnStr = '<html>\n<head>\n<title>' + docTitle + '</title>\n';
- dblByteStr = getDByteMetaStr();
- rtnStr= rtnStr + dblByteStr + '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">\n' + bodyHTML + '\n' + '</body>\n</html>';
- } else {
- encPref = dw.getPreferenceInt("Font Preferences","Default Encoding");
- if (encPref && encPref > 0){
- for (var e=0; e < ENCNUMS.length; e++){
- if (encPref == ENCNUMS[e]){
- charset = ENCNAMES[e];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (charset == ""){
- if (dw.getDocumentDOM() != null)
- charset = dw.getDocumentDOM().getCharSet();
- else{
- dom = dw.createDocument();
- charset = dom.getCharSet();
- }
- }
- }else{
- dom = dw.createDocument();
- charset = dom.getCharSet();
- // dw.closeDocument(dom);
- }
- rtnStr = '<html>\n<head>\n<title>' +
- docTitle +
- '</title>\n' +
- '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' + charset + '">\n</head>\n' +
- '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">\n' +
- bodyHTML + '\n' +
- '</body>\n</html>';
- }
- return rtnStr;
- }
- function checkOneMoreTime()
- {
- window.setTimeout("checkJsResponse();", 500);
- }
- function checkJsResponse()
- {
- if (gCancelClicked) {
- window.close();
- } else {
- if (gProgressTracker != null) gResponse = FWLaunch.getJsResponse(gProgressTracker);
- if (gResponse == null) {
- // still waiting for a gResponse.
- checkOneMoreTime();
- } else if (typeof(gResponse) == "number") {
- // error or user-cancel, time to punt
- window.close();
- } else if (gResponse == 'done') {
- // got a gResponse!
- FWLaunch.bringDWToFront();
- alert(MSG_SUCCESS);
- // Remember the index page that will be opened from menus.xml.
- MM.mmCWPA_openFile = gDestination + gDestinationIndexFileName;
- window.close();
- } else {
- FWLaunch.bringDWToFront();
- alert(MSG_FailOrCancel);
- window.close();
- }
- }
- }
- function readyToCancel()
- {
- gCancelClicked = true;
- }
- //--------------- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ---------------
- function browseFile(fldName)
- {
- var fileName;
- var curFld = findObject(fldName);
- var selectedDir = curFld.value;
- theSite = dreamweaver.getSiteRoot();
- if (DWfile.exists(selectedDir)) {
- fileName = dw.browseForFolderURL(MSG_CHOOSEFOLDER, curFld.value);
- } else {
- fileName = dw.browseForFolderURL(MSG_CHOOSEFOLDER);
- }
- if (fileName) {
- if (fileName.indexOf("file://") != -1) {
- curFld.value = fileName;
- } else {
- curFld.value = theSite + fileName;
- }
- }
- }
- function isDoubleByteEncoding()
- {
- var charSet = dw.getDocumentDOM().getCharSet();
- charSet = charSet.toLowerCase();
- if (charSet == "shift_jis" || charSet == "x-sjis" ||
- charSet == "euc-jp" || charSet == "iso-2022-jp" ||
- charSet == "euc-kr" || charSet == "big5" || charSet == "gb2312")
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- function getDByteMetaStr()
- {
- var dByteStr= '';
- if (dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('ja') != -1) {
- dByteStr= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">\n</head>\n';
- }else if (dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('ko') != -1){
- dByteStr= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=euc-kr">\n</head>\n';
- }else if (dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('zh-cn') != -1){
- dByteStr= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">\n</head>\n';
- }
- else {
- //dreamweaver.appVersion.indexOf('zh-tw') != -1
- dByteStr= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=big5">\n</head>\n';
- }
- return dByteStr;
- }